Garinger High School, Charlotte North Carolina


Your contributions to the Garinger Education Foundation help fund:

  • Scholarships for Garinger students
  • Teacher assistance and recognition
  • Other initiatives as they are identified

You can make a one time or an on-going monthly, quarterly, or annual tax deductible contribution to help ensure the continued success of the Foundation.

Donate Now

If you would prefer to mail us your contribution, please make checks payable to Garinger Education Foundation and mail to:

Garinger Education Foundation
PO Box 31302
Charlotte, NC  28231-1302

Check out our 2023 Impact Report HERE!

GEF Wildcat Scholars Endowment

The GEF Wildcat Scholars Endowment was created in 2019 to provide financial sustainability for years to come by building a secure, long-term source of income. You can ensure that the Garinger Education Foundation scholarship programs continue to flourish for many years to come with an Estate Gift to the Endowment.  You can often do more than you thought possible while also achieving your own financial goals by including the Garinger Education Foundation in your long term plans. Estate gifts are simple to establish. Please consider one of the following gifts:

  • Designate a specific gift or a percentage of your estate to The Endowment through your will or trust
  • Name the Garinger Education Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, brokerage account, life insurance policy, or other financial asset

How do I set up an Estate Gift to GEF? Our GEF Development Team is happy to assist you with the details of your gift and can provide sample language and other important information to share with your advisors. Contact Cathy Fulbright, Development Team Chair, at for assistance.


In addition to donations, the Foundation is always seeking volunteers, both alumni and friends, to:

  • Serve on the Foundation board
  • Assist with serving the faculty appreciation lunches
  • Assist with committee activities/work

Purchase a Paver on the Walk of Honor at the Vietnam Memorial

This is a wonderful opportunity to honor a loved one, a favorite teacher, or friend.  All proceeds go to benefit the students and staff of Garinger High School. This great opportunity is sponsored by The Garinger Education Foundation.

For $250 you can purchase a 6” by 9” paver with up to four lines of text and 14 characters per line.
(Estimated cost of engraving of $20 is nondeductible, $230 is tax deductible.)

For $125 you can purchase a 6” by 6” paver with up to four lines of text and 9 characters per line.
(Estimated cost of engraving of $18 is nondeductible, $107 is tax deductible.)

Buy a Paver Here

Pavers are installed twice a year.  The fall installation date will be Saturday November 16, 2024. Paver order forms for this installation must be received no later than Monday September 30, 2024.

If you would prefer to send in a check, download the paver form here.  Once you download and complete the Paver Form, you can mail the form to Garinger Education Foundation, PO Box 31302, Charlotte, NC  28231-1302

Other Ways to Give

  • Transfer of appreciated stock (contact us for details)
  • If you are at least 70 ½ years old, qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from IRAs are advantageous for eligible donors. Although no charitable deduction is available, the income tax that is normally owed on withdrawals is avoided. In addition, because QCDs can satisfy required minimum distributions, income tax savings can be realized. (see your IRA custodian for details)
  • Create a “challenge gift” by either challenging your fellow classmates to match your gift or challenge another class to a contest in fundraising.